Electronic Board Packs


At Office Online we believe that going digital is always best, not only for the environment but for efficiency too. Send us your documents in Word, Excel, or Power Point, and we will compile them into one consolidated PDF document and send it out to your meeting attendees. PDF can be viewed from most devices, saving the environment, saving you costs, and saving you time.

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Your VA eletcronically compiles your soft copy documents (e.g. Agenda, minutes, departmental input, financials, etc.) into one PDF document, submitted to attendees.

At Office Online we believe that going digital is always best, not only for the environment but for efficiency too. Send us your documents in word, excel, or PowerPoint, and we will compile them into one consolidated PDF document and send it out to your meeting attendees. PDF can be viewed from most devices, saving the environment, saving you costs, and saving you time.